Northwest Africa 5000 (NWA5000) lunar meteorite specimen known as the, “'Mini Monolith.” This extraordinary example features abundant lithologies in different shades of greyscale surrounded by black shock-darkened mantles that are thicker on the bottom due to cooling in the Moon’s gravity. Preferential orientation of the breccia mantles provides a shadow effect to flat surfaces. This specimen also contains numerous tiny metallic inclusions. It was custom cut into a monolith shape in order to exhibit one of the many unique features NWA5000 is most famous for; it’s three dimensional appearing clast-rich matrix.
Renowned for its beauty, the matrix looks like a black and white intaglio print of the universe rendered by a spirited yet masterful artist. This stone contains breccias within breccias, and the preferential orientation of clasts lends a unique 3-D appearance to flat surfaces. Generous amounts of shiny metal are present, adding yet another impressive element to nature’s artwork. NWA5000 is by far the most spectacular meteorite from the Moon, and has become legendary, establishing new benchmarks for excellence. It actually takes on the appearance of our nearest celestial neighbor unlike any other lunar meteorite in existence. One of the many monikers it has earned over the years in artistic terms is “The Mona Lisa of Moon Rocks.” NWA5000 is the first choice of Lunar X Prize Contenders, Billionaires, Museums, Royalty and Collectors everywhere, all of which have acquired major Northwest Africa 5000 specimens after considering all other offerings!